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Neolife Carotenoid Complex

Numerous studies have linked carotenoids, which are yellow, orange, red, and green pigments found in fruits and vegetables, to a lower risk of aggressive and threatening challenges to the body, as well as an improved immune system and tissue protection.

Carotenoids are found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, but most people do not consume the 5-13 daily servings recommended for optimal health. Carotenoid Complex by NeoLife is a whole-food supplement whose benefits have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by the USDA and university researchers. Each capsule contains the full carotenoid value of an optimal serving of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.

Why Carotenoid Phytonutrients? 

Diets high in carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables have been linked to a lower risk of many aggressive threats to the body’s well-being, according to research.

Carotenoids help the body defend itself against a variety of aggressive threats by boosting the immune system.

Carotenoids promote optimal well-being in ways that other dietary factors do not.

Why NeoLife Carotenoid Complex? 

Br o a d – s p e c t r u m, l I p I d – s o l u b l e n u t r I e n t r I e n t r I e n t r I e n t r I e n t r Carotenoid Complex contains a variety of carotenoid “family members” that occur naturally in the human food chain in fruits and vegetables, in addition to beta-carotene. Individual carotenoids, according to research, play different and specific roles as part of the body’s complex defense system against threats to well-being.

Ingredients derived from plants. Our proprietary blend of carotenoid-rich extracts and concentrates is made up of whole tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots, and peaches.

There are 15 powerful carotenoid family members. Our proprietary formula contains alpha-, beta-, cis-beta-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lycopene, cis-lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and betacryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin, and cryptocapsin.

The NutriMax Process is unique. Extraction efficiency is 98 percent thanks to advanced technology. Low temperature processing and oxygen-free encapsulation are also used to ensure the high potency of lipid-soluble carotenoid nutrients.

Pure olive oil serves as the foundation. Olive oil, as a component of the human food chain, promotes ingredient stability and aids in carotenoid absorption.

Contains only pure lecithin derived from soya beans. Lecithin aids in the dispersion of carotenoid nutrients during digestion by increasing their stability.

There are no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners in this product.

Serving is made simple. Each capsule contains the full carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables – just another way to help you meet the daily recommended dietary intake of 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables.


  • Every 90 capsule bottle contains over a hundred kilograms of carotenoid power!
  • Carotenoid Complex packs more than a hundred kilograms of pure carotenoid power into the palm of your hand. To get the total carotenoid power in a single Carotenoid Complex 90 capsule bottle, you’d have to eat:
  • It is made from 115 kilograms or more of raw fruit and vegetables. According to studies, your body only absorbs 5-10% of the carotenoids found in raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Carotenoid Complex is made from 23 kilograms or more of steamed fruits and vegetables. According to research, food preparation affects carotenoid bioavailability. Steamed fruits and vegetables increase bioavailability by 30–50%.
  • 8 kg or more steamed and puréed fruit and vegetables (baby food). The method of raw material preparation used in Carotenoid Complex, steamed and puréed fruit and vegetables, has the highest bioavailability—up to 70%.
  • USDA Approved Carotenoid Complex
  • USDA scientists conducted clinical research studies on Carotenoid Complex, NeoLife’s exclusive broad-spectrum carotenoid supplement derived from whole foods, and published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals. According to USDA research, Carotenoid Complex:
  • The immune response of white blood cells — “natural killer” cells and lymphocytes — was significantly improved over baseline and with beta-carotene supplementation alone.
  • Reduced lipid oxidation in the blood.
  • Prevented cellular lipid oxidation, whereas beta-carotene supplementation alone did not.

Key Benefits

  • USDA Research – Proven to increase immune capacity by 37% in 20 days.
  • The most comprehensive carotenoid supplement on the market, with each capsule containing an optimal serving of fruits and vegetables. Each bottle contains the carotenoid equivalent of 115 kg of the raw fruits and vegetables from which it is made.
  • Supplementation with whole foods


  • A clinical study revealed a 37% increase in immune capacity in just 20 days* Reduces cholesterol oxidation* Each 90 capsule bottle contains the carotenoid power of 115 kgs of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Increases blood antioxidant levels to support your vital organs*


Take 1 to 3 capsules per day.

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